
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

10 Reasons Whys Bodos Need Bodoland


10 . Extinction of Tribal People in Assam

Since back in mid of 1500-1900s, Bodos have been living a tribal life in forest land areas. Education and Modernization were in the utmost backward condition.In the mids of 15-16 Century, Srimahanta Sankardev has almost turn Bodo Tribe into Saraniyas and Assamese. Only a small number of people have acquired education by the Britisher Influence by the mids of 1900 Century.  By then those who acquired education and knowledge had made Renaissance among Bodos and thus understood that their tribes are in the path of Extinction. So, to protect and preserve the Culture today Bodos are in need of Bodoland.

9. Illegal Migration in the Tribal Belt Areas

In the early 1960s the Plains Tribals Council of Assam (PTCA), a political party representing Bodos and other plains tribals of Assam realized that tribal belts  and blocks were gradually being acquired by rich landlords or new immigrants through illegal means. By 1971, the effect of Bangladesh partition as East Pakistan have made the tribal peoples in Assam breathing by a narrow pipe.

8. Lack of Education between Tribal Peoples in Assam

Education was the major problem between the tribal peoples in Assam, no schools and colleges can be found in the Tribal Belt and Block Areas.
Which made major Economic and Socio Development problem among the Tribal People.

7. Lack of Infrastructure

There were hardly any roads and other infrastructures that connected Bodo dominated area to the main cities of Assam. Bridges were nowhere, many peoples have to cross big rivers and lake by boat. In the Season of Monsoon, the trade and communication totally vanish among the Bodo People.

6. Lacking behind Socio-Politics

By the end of the 1970s, it became clear that Bodos had a little or no influence in the Indian political process. Specifically, in Assam Bodos areas were very much neglected.
Often the financial packages meant for tribal-development were diverted and misused by the Assamese Government.

5. Right to Freedom dominates the Right to Equality of Bodos.

In the name of Freedom of Speech, Assamese people have been Neglecting and discriminating Bodo Peoples. Saying "Pig Eaters" because most of the Assamese People become Brahmins those who don't eat meat literally Vegetarian and in a different way of discrimination like Racist, Untouchability, and Equality of opportunity in matters of Employment, etc.

4. No Right to Freedom for Bodos

When it comes to Right to Freedom, Bodos started their movement by the Freedom of Speech for Right to Equality and Against Exploitation many peoples were beaten up and even kill to Death by the
state Police.

3. Censor Bodo culture to the Rest of the World

 The culture of the Bodos is one of the most diverse cultures in the world, which the make a sense of beauty and amazing living style whether you talk about Foods, Clothes, Dance, Language,Religion etc. Those Cultural beauties of Bodos are being represented as the Assamese Culture to other Countries sometimes In the name of Bodo they represent their Culture to other countries of the world.

2. Bodos are term as Militants.

Due to the negligence of Right to Freedom(see Number 4), Although Gun is notSolutionution, Many of the Bodo Youths take Guns in their Hands with Unique Identity Name. But Assamese Media who term those Extremist Groups as Bodo Militants in every Newspaper, Blogs, TV Channels etc.

1. Political Conspiracy of Assam Govt to hate Bodos

By the time when Bodos step into Politics as the newcomer in Political World, Intelectual Assamese people started playing major traffic game of Riots and Communal Clash among Bodos and other tribes living in the Tribal Areas of Assam to bring the diversity among tribal people of Assam and other caste. Which makes Bodo political Leaders a major problem to bring the hands of other communities.

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